Free loan proposal for the works of Maestro Marino Marini

Pistoia – Marino Marini Foundation announces that in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the same Foundation, held on May 27, 2020, the Mayor Alessandro Tomasi provided the updates regarding the proposed loan for the works of Maestro Marino Marini in favor of the same Municipality, as resolved on March 4 2020.

In particular, the Mayor declared that – in consideration of the serious pandemic emergency in progress – he necessarily had to postpone the discussion in the City Council of this proposal, also guaranteeing that he will reply to the Foundation in a reasonable time, as soon as the activities of the City can return to normal.

In the same session, the Board of Directors unanimously resolved to initiate the appropriate technical checks in the premises of the Palazzo del Tau, for a prompt reopening of the exhibition spaces in compliance with the legal protocols.