Born in 1983 at the behest of Mercedes Pedrazzini better known as ‘Marina’, the foundation aims to ensure the conservation, protection and enhancement of the works and artistic heritage of the deceased husband.

She wanted to make sure to promote culture in general but in particular art exhibitions and publications, capable of enhancing and honoring the memory of the artist.

Organization chart
  • President

    Avv. Carlo Ferdinando Carnacini

  • Counselors

    Prof.ssa Barbara Cinelli (Senior Counselor)

    Prof.ssa Silvia Evangelisti

    Dott.ssa Loraine Ricklin Pedrazzini

    Alessandro Tomasi, Sindaco di Pistoia

    Notaio Dott. Antonio Marrese

    Dott. Andrea Pessina

La prossima seduta del Comitato Scientifico della Fondazione
per l'inserimento delle opere nell'Archivio delle opere autografe di Marino Marini
è fissata ai giorni 4 e 5 giugno 2024

The next session of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation
for the inclusion of works in the Archives of the Authentic Works of Marino Marini
is scheduled for June 4th and 5th, 2024